Is This A For-Real Quote
It was posted by a business so I will assume yes without checking Google

Tiny Flying Brontosaurus Village
I think they might actually be origami cranes but for reals they look like flying brontosauruses (brontosauri?)

Tree People
The early stages of XMAS tree sellers taking over the sidewalks of NYC

I managed to notice this — it happened and was gone in the span of a minute. Magic I tell you!

For Reals A Nail Bus
A converted Winnebago-type vehicle with a price list in the window and everything. It was closed when I found it so no news on how creepy it looks inside…

Stickers On Subway Seats, V
Another one! I fucking love these finds

Literally So Bored
Motherfucker fell asleep on me while I was trying to capture his very chic and practical scarf

Daily Life Shit
Or, Daily Shit Image Of Daily Life?

The Plants I Haven't Killed
The amazing greenage in the middle is actually one plant that is leaning over two empty pots which once contained other, living plants…

After Hours In Retail
I always knew the mannequins take the clothes off when everyone leaves

The Tiniest Seat Occupier
So subtle and yet so many people didn’t sit here because of it

Honey Bear Soft Spot
Yankee team hard spot

That Night I Had To Evacuate The Train
A fire on the tracks so big the entire train filled with awful chemical smelling smoke, good times!

Must Ye?
Actually I agree with this statement though surely not as the sign maker or poster intended… but of course, we need to start anew if we wish to do anything great, and much like our actual physical births, that shit takes pain and discomfort and a lot of screaming

I Am A Big Fan Of NYC Subway Yellow
These railings made my day

In This Episode Of "Fun Things On Subway Seats..."
Why? Why this paper? From what? Why leave it? And where can I get more?

A Monument To Centered IG Photos Everywhere, Except...
Is that a chopstick askew? Why yes, that’s the thingy I scratch my back with and it lives in a big bowl of doodads on my coffee table

Saturday Morning Sunlight
Just a chill scene

It Me
And the former staff of Deadspin and Splinter and the old Gawker and on and on. Heroes are among us everywhere

Solidarity In URLs
Google Deadspin if you have no idea what I’m referring to or have not kept up with the [DAILY SHIT] Blurbs of the last two days. And then visit the URLs in this screenshot.

I Feel Really Really Sorry For The Food
And also the poor fool who will slip and fall on this shit

You Lost Me At The Stupid Spelling
Also I don’t agree. But again the fucking spelling

How To Spend A Rainy Sunday...
Hold on to someone same same but different

Bearded Lady, Final Draft
Roommate’s costume turned out surprisingly well!

Like Jesus... But Not
My hirsute roommate is dressing as a bearded lady for Halloween at his job. This is the first draft of said costume, my caftan, recently rejected.

Self-Timed Photos
I wrote a piece for The Temper and they want a horizontal pic (the full image is horizontal obvs). Anyway, I don’t take pics of myself so yesterday I spent a chunk of time taking awful pic after awful pic with the self timer on my iPhone. Eventually I got three images I dug.

Guess What Didn't Fit
No new couch :( After much struggle and stress, I had to reject the delivery of a beautiful fresh sofa. May attempt again later with a smaller version

Guess Who's Selling Their Beloved Vintage Couch?
My new sofa is minutes away! And assuming it fits up the stairs and into my apartment, I have this vintage beauty to sell to a lucky new owner. Interested?? hello@graphicpaint.com

What I’m focused on seeing now that I’ve been disappointed by the movie Parasite…

Now We Know
Sometimes I think about dating and then I see things like this

Wherein I Attempt To Capture A Fluid Release Post-Orgasm
But the focus just isn’t right and especially difficult to shoot in total darkness, anyway!

Have Bunny Ears, Will Gather
Came upon this scene outside of Washington Square Park last night; there were two other bunnies off to the left. Why?

Sunset Light Is Cray
And this pic still doesn’t capture the scene yesterday which was really something…

Art Or Vomit?
The presence of sticks is what gives me pause; the scene shifts from food spillage or proof of someone’s sickness to some sort of earthy art installation. Is that dirt? Clay? What the hell am I really looking at?

I Love It
And I would have bought this thrift store beauty if it wasn’t several hundred dollars. Maybe Christmas…

How Could Anyone Do This?
That innocent car, marked and violate4d beyond belief… seen on 110th street in NYC.

Stickers On Subway Seats, IV
Another one! This time an underwhelming smiley face…

Photographed on the 1 train, Penn Station stop.

So This Is The Opera
The space was beautiful, the fashions disappointing. No “Pretty Woman” evening gowns here and even some jeans! The horror. Oh yeah, the singing was also beautiful ;)

Red Study
Lowly firebox? Maybe, but also a wonderful palette of color.

If this man hadn’t been trying to sleep or laying there with his hand down his pants, I would have asked him about the rings… what are they for???? Is he losing his vision and they’re bumpers? I have so many questions.

Adorable Like A Postcard No?
It’s “Take Your Cats To The Dentist” Day and so much fun!

Coffee-Stained And Still $75
I’m upset about the price because I really like the contents of this book and would have purchased it had the price not been so offputting!

Symmetrical Subway Storage
Penn Station, Uptown 1 Train

Saturday Morning Family Sleep Pile
There’s nothing better than everyone snoozin in the same bed…

You May Think This Is Liz Taylor But It's Not
Just some random lady painting subject encountered in a thriftstore along the stairs to the basement…

Clorox Clorox CLOROX Ok?
As seen in a La Colombe bathroom somewhere in NYC…

Sidewalk Sunbathing
This lady was just chillin in a lawnchair, leg extended high in the air; the moment I went to take a pic she put it down :(

Boxes Are Fun
They can hold festivals! And you can eat them! Boxes, not festivals… (“eating box” cmon stay with me here)

I Love These Sad Old Windows
It looks abandoned but yet something is going on inside but what????

Texts From My Ex
Can you say shitshow?

"I'm Kinda Big Deal In My House"
Aren’t we all? Ok this probably depends on the number of people in your household but still; I’m pretty sure I’m a big deal in mine…

Bathroom Repair And Roommate Debris
Ok some of it is my stuff too (in the tins) but all that fun dust and crumble mess is not but also kind of is? At least because I’ll be cleaning it up…

Cops + White Moms With Kids = Gentrification
Or you could just see this as a wholesome shot of a neighborhood in the Bronx…

Outdoor Seating
Only the best for your ass when you just have to sit down at some random spot halfway down the block

That Time I Took Myself Out For Fancy Sushi On My Birthday
The scene at Shoji at 69 Leonard. I made one of the shots from this view the background on my phone; the palette and material mix are very soothing no?

This Is A Business In Atlanta...
…but also how I would describe my weekend work style

The Way I Feel Having Overslept
Gotta love pasteup street art right? This little gem was at the base of a lamppost in Chelsea [NYC]

The Face Of Duality?
Am I here or not here, am I just an image of a person or a real person? This little street art doodle inspires some pretty big questions in me…

That Time When The Bugs In My Mind Almost Got Away
or just some wackadoo robo toys on the street…

A Study In Bathroom Repair And Disarray
There was a link in the wall of my bathroom and it’s been a shitshow for a few weeks now. Belongings taken in and out and in and out again; “repairs” destroying sheetrock, detritus everywhere, strange red dust and particle chunks in surprising places.

Wherein I Take A Photo Detailing Product Damage And I Manage To Catch Some Beautiful Light And Color
Ta da! Also Nisolo is the shit. The backpack I bought from them is heavy duty as all hell, ethically made, beautiful… but the fabric around the zipper busted :( They’re replacing it!

Best Before: Forever
As most street art is… I’m very fond of this lettering style

A Face In The Stairs
Isn’t this marketing setup just begging for someone to kick him in the face? Is that really a good message to send?

Painterly Graffiti In ATL
This was a surprise to come across; not even in Europe have I seen graffiti that was both abstract and painterly and subtly applied to a surface [as in not covering but “enhancing”]. It appeared only at the bottom of the wall, like arty landscaping.

Branded Red Airport Fashions
So many labels! So many reds! Most stylish person in LaGuardia airport? Probably not

Am I?
I love how the EXIT sign is right there close to the HERE, like, be present but also if you wanna dip it’s cool exit’s right there

How To Not Take No For An Answer
Or the most unsubtle hint that I am not interested…

Trying to show some love for my breasts after being squished and pressed and pushed. Everything’s normal? Won’t know for absolute sure till I hear from my doctor.

Art Installation At The ATL Airport
Also a visual representation of me drowning my emotions…

A Portion Of A Sign For "Le Fat"
…but also how I feel after eating an entire slab of baby back ribs last night.

Does This Remind You Of An Orifice Too?
Maybe I’ve just spent too much time thinking about holes and penetration and the like? Just kidding! There’s no such thing as too much. Also this is legit like a vagina. Except with stairs. And a t-shirt display.

So This Happened
If I eat someplace new, I prefer to try multiple small dishes instead of any entrees. Last night I ordered 5 small appetizers and for some reason they were served to me all at once. I did not appreciate this flood of food and didn’t enjoy the pressure to eat, eat, eat without real pause between dishes because multiple plates were hot! WTF, major fail on servers and kitchen. Miller Union in Atlanta btw.

More From The Best Subway Station
Tilework is something I always notice more when visiting other countries, but goddamn there’s plenty of great stuff right here in NYC… case in point, another image from the 191st Street 1 Train station.

Best Subway Station In NYC
191st Street 1 Train station tunnel…

Made From The Bounty Of Trader Joe's
Kale/Broccoli Crust, organic Tuscan kale, organic grape tomatoes, almond milk mozzarella…. even Harvey knows this shit tastes goooooood.

Street Advertising Love Continues...
“Live fast, die whenever…” — sounds about right.

Look At These Colors!
How could you not love this sign?! I have no idea what the fuck it was for, probably vacant space or some shit, but you should definitely call…

When Too Many People Know It's My Birthday
Recovering, qualifying, aging…

Focusing On The Support Of Others
…instead of my stupid cat hellbent on keeping me from my coffee

This Is A Window Display
Presumably for hardware but maybe also for how to not give a fuck?

Mind Detergent
I am relieved to be home, to be off the bus, to be settled at least for a bit… Especially happy to be back in the place of fun box trucks like this one. Also I could use a good scrub with some ‘mind detrgnt.’

"Can I Borrow $Ten Till I Fight Again?"
Huh? The most random and tidy vandalism I’ve seen in a while and so cryptic! Saw this album cover on a hallway shelf in the back of a church rec area.

Look At All These Reese's Products!!!
Late night adventures in Walmart, i.e., trolling the aisles at 2am amidst self-driving cleaning machines, employees stocking shelves and random other weirdos with nothing better to do on a Saturday night.

There HAS To Be A Story Here...
Do you see that red thread tied around the handle where it connects to the wall? What the hell? This image was captured in a random church bathroom but I want answers.

My Mom Still Loves The Stick
And also never removing the protective plastic cover strips that come with new things. And cluttering up every open crevice in a car with doodads and whatnots.

Important Orgy Reminder
Don’t want to forget! Important preparations must be made. Ok really just washing shaving but still…

Some VERY Fancy Ladies A Few Decades Ago
I’ve been known to frequent a church basement or two and just yesterday I came across these bitchin’ pics of some stylin’ ladies from 1982. You’re welcome!

It's Like A Stadium But With Train Stuff
Living uptown means proximity to train yards; where the machines go to rest and be repaired…

Needs Not Wants
Table lamplight, espresso, water… these are the building blocks of my day.

More Stickers On Trains
This is the fourth instance I can recall of photographing stickers on subway trains. Second time on the floor… The other two were divided between the seat and one of the poles you’re supposed to hold onto so you don’t fall upon your ass when the train lurches which it always does.

The Face Of Hate
If I had a dollar for every time Harvey gave me this face I could retire now. This pic is appropriate if only for the demonstration that it’ s impossible to be loved by everyone all the time.

Decorative Mailbox
Seen on Carmine Street, NYC. This sticker bonanza continued on all sides and was quite delightful.

Dating And One-Night Stands Are Same Thing?
I’m going to contact this person because there is just too much here to wrap the mind around. Good sense of humor or complete psycho, what do you think?

A Tiny, Tiny Bathroom But Not The Tiniest Tiny Bathroom
Caffe Reggio, Macdougal Street, NYC

Signs On Signs
Nothing deep here, I really just like the graphics of the orange sign and the layers and the light and the whatnot.

Da Beach
So close to lining up the lines, horizons upon waistbands and such… Rockaway Beach 2019

It Was A Night Of Big Street Words
I saw this written on the sidewalk just a few hours after I saw the word “BIG” written on what appeared to be a commercial office space. They were far apart and surely not connected except maybe they are?!

I'll Be The Judge Of That
In this particular instance, i.e., the same night this image was captured, twas not the case. Sad face, sad pussy, sad tiny dick. Ok dick was pretty happy but I and my sad pussy were not and are transferring the sad pain to said disappointment.

In And Out
I was so excited when my cats started eating cauliflower! It was unintentional; stupid Harvey stole a piece from my roasting pan and so I decided to give it to him and the other one. Munch munch munch adorable. Not so adorable? Harvey threw it up about 5 minutes later. Ta da! It looks like a dish at a fancy restaurant. Except it’s vomit. On my floor.

This Brings Up A Lot...
1. Steven Conrad is amazing and both Perpetual Grace Ltd. (shown) and The Patriot are fantastic and funny and you should be watching them
2. I have a crazy soul-pull to the domestic southwest…
3. #2 is surprising because for years and years I had a full body and soul rejection of the domestic southwest
4. Where and when to go to the domestic southwest?
5. Should I be living there?

I Am Fascintated By This Window
Do you see the whole collection of flowers or flowering plants or something in the window next the fire escape? Amazing! And I love the lazy red dangle of twinkle lights just cuz.

Tortas En Da Bronx
As seen from above… typical Sunday night

Starts August 5th!
I’ve submitted a bid to be a speaker at SXSW 2020 — my panel proposal is: “Using Sex And Porn Online To Change The World IRL.” Come back here for the link and more info about what the hell this all means :)

The Ennui, The Smokey Eyes...
Why doe these mannequins look so sad??? It’s giving me feelings, bleh!

Adornments In The Bronx
Sights scene nearish 3rd ave and 149th street in the boogie down

Classiest Lampshade Ever
My last Festivus party was held the weekend before the Monday when I first decided to try and get sober. One of the few things I saved from that rager, from that time; was this kickass packaging from a case of Miller High Life. The inside of the box is beautiful and I’ve been using it as a makeshift lampshade for this vintage lamp for over 7 years now.

Meditation Headspace
Whenever I do a guided meditation and a safe quiet space is spoken of, I imagine a place almost exactly like this… a clearing in the woods, a grassy patch with a large tree in the center, with many shade-giving branches, beefy trunk. A friend of mine sent me this pic from his time in Vermont and it’s eerily accurate to my mind’s vision.

Best Notification Ever
Co-Star is a hipster astrology app and some days it surprises me. The day of this notification it delighted me. This is exactly the sentiment I needed, wanted, and has since become my new phone wallpaper.

A Peek At The Underworld
Really… it’s that fucking deep. This is a hole in the street in the Bronx and it is awe-inspiring. The caution tape is not.

Street Art In Dumbo
A beautiful mural I passed while in Dumbo Brooklyn after completing an underwhelming podcast sponsorship class.

I Enjoy Funny Things In The Loo
This page of toilet paper-themed comics appeared one day in a bathroom I find myself in frequently. By the way, I enjoy the toilet paper roll every which way and have no preference.

All The Pinks
A happenstance on the subway; all these shades of pink in one place.

Art In The Wild
Oy/Yo or Yo/Oy outside the Brooklyn Museum. Meh?

Is This Art?
I am a lover of Dada but I am not a fan of this thing which I am hesitant to label art…

"Not Art"
If it wasn’t labeled as such how else would I know?

So I Did This
Found out last minute about this application window for the SXSW conference and applied to speak on: “Using Sex And Porn Online To Change The World IRL.” Community voting will open soon… stay tuned.

3 Of 5 Donuts
I celebrate 7 years of sobriety today, July 21, 2019. I decided to ignore my regular eating habits and eat 5 fancy schmancy donuts. This is a shot of the final 3 before they went down my throat.

Literal Street Art, West Village NYC
This is some stuff smushed into the asphalt right off the crosswalk on Sixth Avenue / Houston Street. I would like to know more about "the stuff.”

Banned On Facebook
Banned on Instagram, banned on Facebook, wtf. None of it matters but worth noting in case anyone seeks me out in these places and wonder why certain project-specific accounts don’t exist.

Rockaway Beach July 2019
My first time at a beach in several years and it was lovely. Also I got sunburned and that was not lovely but the sun, the waves, all that was peaches.

The Scene
Passerby in the Bronx on my way to Planned Parenthood for the third and final round of HPV vaccine shots. Said shots are free if you’re under 27 which is so fucking ageist.

Outtake From "Growers Vs. Showers"
The first model of the series (publishing the week of August 11th after my final model).
![First Beach Trip, First Sunburn [Of The Season]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a67998b1f318dd1bbef2062/1563210893155-LS0CWW57PK3XI2V4G9ZQ/DAILY-850_071519.jpg)
First Beach Trip, First Sunburn [Of The Season]
It’s like body art don’t you think? The unintended results of relying on spray can sunscreen for my whole body instead of just the parts I can’t easily reach.

Far Rockaway Storybook Cottage
The landscaping is sick in Far Rockaway. Every. Single. House. Has this pristine, perfectly manicured lawn, and lush greenery and flowers; it’s beautifully insane!

These Lampshades Are As Big As A Man
The covered backyard at La Lanterna di Vittorio in the west village of NYC.

Train-Family Dance Party
There they all were, crowded into one end of a train car, singing, dancing, laughing, playing music at top notch; it was a hoot.

This Is West 4th Street
Just beyond the self-proclaimed “Tiger Hood” who may very well hit you with a milk carton golf ball.

Bronze Faces
8th Avenue, West 14th Street Subway Station. These shits are everywhere…

An Ask
I tried to find this person online after finding this written on a column but I must not be interpreting the handwriting correctly. Please help!

"He's NOT Dead, He Just Moved Away"
Likely story… this is the claim behind the counter at Molly’s Cupcakes on Bleecker Street.

Need Pedicure
I sent this picture to a friend as I implored her to meet me for nail care stuff. It didn’t work.

This Is How To Chill
My two cats, one super bendy while nappy and the other just like whatever dude.

Piles And Piles
… of garbage and watermelons. Take your pick. Kingsbridge in the Bronx.

Sticker On Subway, III

![First Beach Trip, First Sunburn [Of The Season]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a67998b1f318dd1bbef2062/1563210893155-LS0CWW57PK3XI2V4G9ZQ/DAILY-850_071519.jpg)