Episode 7: Interview 1_Playing With "The Brit"
Show notes:
Heyyy, remember that guy who dommed his wife in Episode 3? We’ve been Skyping and writing and chatting and playing… This interview is where it all began.
He asks me how I want him to play with me, what are my expectations?
He tells me how he is as a dom and in real life
I get some interview questions in…
Mostly about his sub wife and how he found her, etc..
He shares his dom history
His involvement in “the scene” vs. his wife
How he plays with other women on the internet
We discuss trust vs. power
Plus general thoughts on how BDSM exchanges work
He gives me some dom tips
I tell him my experience as a sub
And that I’m really a switch
In fact, more so a “brat”
“The Brit” is a feminist!
I share what I find arousing about BDSM
He shares what he is interested in doing with me specifically
We hammer out some details about what our [first?] play session will involve
We discuss the psychological aspect given the audio-only nature of what we have agreed to
We make a date to play